With Mal's expert technical assistance, I was able to FINALLY upload my photos to this hotel computer. You're in for a treat below!
The concert tonight was OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! Lucy was great, and we even got a guest appearance by Renee on stage as she and Lucy danced together. It was awesome, totally awesome!!!!!!!!!
As the back-up vocalist said while Lucy was in a costume change, the love and energy flowing in that room was being felt by everyone, especially those up on stage. She told us to keep it coming. And keep it coming we did!
Every single person in that room tonight could feel the connectedness, the heart, the love, and the pure energy of joy that comes when you are watching a dream come true. It was electrifying and oh so satisfying.
I'm sure there will be more to write in the days to come after I've had time to process it all, but for now I leave you with the long awaited photos. Enjoy!
Putting my feet in the Pacific Ocean for the first time!
omg........ Debbie, you are the best. Thank you so so much from the other side of the world. Your updates and photos have made my day... and it's only 10 in the morning here in Wales!!!
I'm sooooooooooo jealous!
Thanks for the great pictures!
Debbie! This is wonderful. I've been passing the good words along to Mom and Dad. They will visit the blog soon. I love the pictures and LOVE THE BEACH PICTURE! It's great to sense all of the excitement in the air!
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