Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Art of Giving

I began & finished my Christmas shopping today. Not a lot to buy. Planned it that way really. I had been considering my purchases for a while, so it was more about final commitments and taking action. Except that somehow I felt like I was shopping differently than the majority of those surrounding me "out there" today.

The energy in the stores was disjointed at best. I felt the mad dash to "get" permeating everything, but the unheard echo bouncing off people as they passed by sounded like "why am I doing this????". No one seemed to know or even be willing to answer that question as the words dropped to the floor scattered about.

There's an art to gift-giving that is more soulful, less violent, that allows presence with others. The photo above is from a favorite episode of the television show Xena:Warrior Princess where Xena gives Gabrielle an amazing gift. Simple. Profound. Allowing full-presence.

Acceptance of the gift creates a memory and strengthens the bond between them. The gift allows for an experience they might not otherwise have had. They permit themselves to show up in the NOW and move forward in the creation of their path. It's almost as if you see it all unfolding in real-time, whatever that really is!

Over the years I've tried to tweak my shopping excursions so that my gifts are more soulful and allow for more presence with their recipients. Sometimes I do really well. Other times not so much. But I'm always confident each time I embark upon a new excursion that shopping with intention creates different results for me than submitting to the mad dash to "get".

May you leave a wake of soulful, present moments as you spread your holiday cheer this year!

1 comment:

Mel R said...

Hi Debbie, I do so agree that the energy around at this time of year cand be less than we would want. gifts should be small, meaningful and show that you really understand what the recipient thinks and feels. Love Mel R